22 Dec 2022

Merry Christmas, Eguberri On, Season’s Greetings!

From Sunsundegui, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a year 2023 full of illusion, in which we continue to grow together and share a path of success, dreams and purposes.

Sunsundegui, confidence to go your way

Merry Christmas!

Sunsundegui wish you Happy New 2023 full of illusion, in which we continue growing together and sharing a path of success, dreams and goals.

Sunsundegui, the reliable partner to walk together

Season’s Greetings!

Sunsundeguitik, Gabon zoriontsuak eta ilusioz betetako 2023, urte bat opa dizuegu. Urtea ilusioz betea, elkarrekin hazten jarraitzeko eta arrakastaz, ametsez eta helburuz betetako bidea partekatzeko.
Sunsundegui, zure bidea egiteko konfiantza.
Eguberri on!

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